Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Proposition 9 From Outer Space - 4/24/08 (reprint)

For a culture that seems to prize fame above all else, we sure get snippy when celebrities talk politics. The fans turn a deaf ear, whining that entertainers should keep their political opinions to themselves. I've never understood this. Just because people know your face from a CD cover or movie poster, doesn't mean you have any fewer rights to speak your mind. Movie stars pay taxes, too (Well, unless you're Wesley Snipes. Guess you can't always bet on black...) Besides, I would think civilians and celebrities would make natural allies in the political arena, since large portions of both groups are so painfully ill-informed. In 2004, George Bush got his second term because voters said they'd rather have a beer with him than John Kerry- how's that beer tasting, by the way? I hope that people are genuine when they say that this election will be a turning point. You know we're fed up with the status quo, when we're willing to support someone clearly smarter than we are.

People say politics is private. Really? I didn't see anyone screaming for Britney Spears' privacy when her hoo-hah said hello from the backseat of a towncar. Our love/hate relationship with celebrities and politics seems contingent on whether or not we can feel smarter than them. When Heidi & Spencer from The Hills weigh in on who they're voting for, no one bats an eye- because they're morons. But when politically well-informed A-listers like Tom Hanks or Ben Affleck speak on the subject, everyone gets their flag undies in a twist. It's said that "politics is showbiz for ugly people", and we've been treating our politicians like celebrities. As long as we can feel higher on the intellectual food chain, they're just the candidate for us.

This time, when it comes to picking a President, pick the person who makes you feel just a little bit dumb. We'll always have Paris Hilton to keep us in the Einstein club.

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